Profession: Civil Engineer
Education: Doctor of Philosophy: Civil Engineering. Project Management Essentials for Construction (University of Toronto)
Specialization: Project Management, Construction Coordination, Road & Airport Design and execution , QA/QC.
Position in Firm: Project Manager-Design, Contract Administrator, Road & Airport Design Engineer, Project Civil Engineer , Infrastructure Engineer, Resident Engineer, Civil Senior Inspector, Project Manager-Construction, Construction Manager, Project coordinator


Cody Ave., Cyr Ave., Jeanne-Mance St., Kendall Ave., Levis Ave. and Savard Avenue Sewers, Watermains and Road Reconstruction. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

June 2017 - Nov 2018

Client: City of Ottawa, Contract No.: ISD16-5060
Contractor : C.A.C.E. Construction (1991) Ltd
Construction Value (Approx.) : $4m
Total Project Value (Approx.): $8m

My Responsibility: Senior Inspector
  • Oversee the inspection of contractor operations for a variety of disciplines on-site, including grade, drainage, granular, environmental controls and asphalt. 
  • Read and apply all contract drawings, tender documents and applicable Ontario Provincial Standards (OPS) to the site operations.
  • Review, calculate, monitor and recommendations on progress payments and on operations for change orders. 
  • Prepare and submit daily diaries and include payment statements.
  • Review/comment on the contractor’s traffic control measures in accordance with OTM Book 7 requirements and comment on effectiveness.
  • Review/comment on all Health and Safety concerns in the Contract Administrator Diary, as well as notifying the contractor immediately.
  • Provide/maintain contract final information, to be delivered to the client at the project’s conclusion.

The work includes the following:
 The integrated road, sewer and watermain construction includes reconstruction of the roadways, including new concrete sidewalk and concrete curb, new sanitary sewer and lateral services, new storm sewer extensions, new catch basins, Hydro pole relocations on Savard and related Rogers and Bell utilities, new LED streetlight lamps, new tree and shrub plantings and reinstatement of all disturbed areas.
Also the City of Ottawa has coordinated with Hydro Ottawa /Bell/Rogers to relocate overhead and underground utilities on Savard Avenue.

The project limits are:
Cody Avenue from Montreal Road to Jeanne Mance Street
Cyr Avenue from Montreal Road to Jeanne Mance Street
Savard Avenue from Montreal Road to Jeanne Mance Street
Kendall Avenue from Montreal Road to Jeanne Mance Street
Levis Avenue from Cody Avenue to Olmstead Street
Jeanne Mance Street from Kendall Avenue to Olmstread Street

The original scope was limited to an integrated road, sewer and watermain reconstruction project for above mentioned streets.  The sanitary sewers were replaced due to age and condition with the exception of Jeanne Mance St.  The watermains were replaced due to age and the presence of lead services. Limited work was done on the storm sewers which created design and construction challenges.  Sewer and watermain service connections were replaced to the property line.  Due to the constrained Right of Way and the number of lateral service cuts the roads were reconstructed.
The site is located at the Montreal Road – Vanier Parkway intersection which is a very traffic intensive area comprised of commercial and residential properties including an Ambulance Post and several churches.  The Councillor’s office was fully engaged throughout the project.  Several change orders resulted in order to meet community needs.  Encroachments and private construction near the property line presented design and grading challenges.   On-going coordination was required for the installation and maintenance of temporary water services.  Mechanical rock removal was required including vibration monitoring of structures to ensure limits were not exceeded.  Additional survey was completed where required.  CCTV investigations were performed to City standards both before and after construction.  An ECA was prepared under the Transfer of Review process which was submitted to MOECC.   Throughout the project residents were regularly engaged with the CI, CA and PM to ensure access was safely provided, that issues were resolved and the Traffic Management Plan was enforced.  

See more photos of this project in "Project Photo Galery" page